Provide an authentic and engaging project for your students while tapping into their critical thinking skills!
By having students create their own Pinterest board (think of it as a visual bookmarking site) to show their knowledge of new vocabulary words, they employ critical thinking skills while collaborating with others.
Here's a Pinterest board that I created for an upcoming vocabulary unit in English 7. Here’s another one I created for a Spanish I class. I signed up for a work account using my school email. I also used the Pinterest App on my iPad--it's seamless!* Quick disclaimer- I currently teach in a 1:1 environment with iPads so their use is incorporated into many of my lessons.
Create - After creating a board you can pin pictures directly from a Google image search or repin from Pinterest itself. (Pinterest does not store the entire image file but it does 'pin' the URL that your picture comes from.)
Communication - You have the ability to comment (500 characters max) on each picture so you could include an explanation for each. Another cool thing - if you put a link in your comment section it will automatically hyperlink it when you save it. I left one in (check the chess pieces in my Ron Weesley board- more on that board later) so that you can see what it looks like.
Collaborate - Students can repin images from other students and add them to their board; so students could work together in a group creating pictures for the whole vocab unit. Four kids could work together, creating only 5 pins on their own, through sharing they could have a board of 20 words. Students can also comment on one another's pins.
Critical thinking - There are a few ways that kids could use it w/ vocab:
- A picture that illustrates the vocab word
- A picture with the synonyms or antonyms listed & they have to guess the vocab word
- Pictures with English word descriptions for a particular word/phrase (ex: el vaso de jugo de naranja) - specifically for world language vocab
- Pictures that represent the word - then I explained why I chose it in the comment section
- Pictures that were antonyms to the word - I explained why I chose this picture as well
* Well...ALMOST seamless. At this point, on an iPad, you can't create a public link (in Google Drive or in Skitch) so that your own picture (that you took with your camera) has a URL. So I had to upload the Skitch photos from my laptop, not my iPad. Also, on an iPad, if you want to pin an image you find in a Google search you need to go through Safari & not use the app. Repinning pictures while in the app works great, however. The app is really easy to use!
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